All Purpose Juice Bags

What started as an effort to clean up the streets in Pasig, Philippines resulted in a great looking product that is fun, functional, and environmentally responsible. This fab bag has also helped contribute to 500 jobs for women. Strong enough to carry your day’s needs. Strong enough to carry your groceries. Strong enough to last. Not only do these bags create jobs, it helps keep cities in the Philippines clean and green. Incredibly sturdy and an awesome green gift! Visit The Kilus Foundation to learn more.
Available with orange inner lining straps (as shown) or yellow inner lining straps. 20” x 24”.
One of our favorite green gifts!
Why we love it:
1. We use it all the time! This is our ultimate “bring to market reusable grocery bag,” “bring to picnic bag,” “bring to potluck,” bag. Super strong and easy to clean. It does all the dirty work while working hard!
2. It’s a fave among grocery baggers. We were told recently that, “This is my favorite bag because it’s sturdy and stays open while I put the groceries in it.” You’re not only helping to clean the streets and reducing the use of paper or plastic bags at the store, you’re helping make the bagger’s job easier. How good do you feel now?
3. It’s colorful and looks great.