Here are a few sites we love for various reasons plus sites we’re thankful for because they give us props!
CineLayan Film Festival A Filipino Film Festival taking place in Portland, Oregon on June 5th and 6th, 2009. The festival showcases documentaries focusing on social justice and environmental issues.
FMYI Basically, a must have for anybody who shares any type of information (be it messages, files, contact info) or works with anybody else. You’ll wonder how you ever got by with just emails, messy folders or share drives. FMYI helps organize and make your life easier. Genius!!
Green Empowerment We can’t say enough about what this Portland, Oregon based organization does and has sought out to do.
Tahanan Walang Hagdanan Near and dear to our heart. An organization based in the Philippines whose mission is to empower people with physical disabilities.
Kilus Foundation They've crafted the recycled juice pouches we sell. We love their mission and how they accomplish it.
Magma Beautiful and unique handcrafted hand jewelry by Blake. Just gorgeous!
Center for Environmental Awareness and Education CEAE keeps us up to date on environmental issues and has brought us the Moonrise Film Festival, an independent film festival documenting cultural, environmental, and social issues in the Philippines.
Have Fun Do Good A good read and mix of what good you can do in this world.
Alternative Consumer An awesome and fun to read blog to help those of us who want to buy responsibly but still have fun! This blog gives product guidance, reviews, and advice to the eco-friendly consumer.
Great Green Goods A cool blog featuring unusual and recycled products.
Who’s Talking about MNLSTYLE?
Sunset Magazine
Apartment Therapy
Alternative Consumer